Asia TOPA On Now!

Current: 25 November 2020

The Victorian Government announced an initial investment of $208m in the Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation in 2018. Since that time, detailed design planning for a completely refurbished Theatres Building has reached 100% design, to the stage of going to market for a builder to commence construction on the first elements.

In the November 2020 budget, the Victorian Government announced a further funding commitment of $1.4 billion to Phase 1 of the Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation. This includes preparatory works for refurbishment of the Theatres Building, which will be completed in Phase 2, as well as commencing planning, design and eventual construction on a new contemporary gallery for the National Gallery of Victoria and a major new 18,000sqm public realm.

The transformation of the precinct will also include a new fourth campus for Arts Centre Melbourne next to the Theatres Building at 1 City Road, which will feature studios and workshop spaces to support the small to medium sector, new creative learning spaces, an expanded Australian Music Vault and a new gallery to showcase the Australian Performing Arts Collection. The entire project will be delivered in stages over approximately 10 years.

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