Dedicate a seat in one of our theatres

Find out what to expect before and during a show at Arts Centre Melbourne.

Before an event


During an event


Frequently Asked Questions

We recommend arriving at least 30-45 minutes before the performance start time.

With the potential for up to 5000 people in our theatres, when all venues are operating and have full audiences, it's important to allow plenty of time before the scheduled start of a performance. Having time up your sleeve means you can find parking, make your way to the venue, check-in on entry, have your tickets scanned and order a foyer bar drink and your seat.

If you arrive late, please approach a member of staff for assistance.

Many events have a no-admissions period once they’ve begun. This means that if you arrive late, you may not be able to enter the venue immediately, or in some cases, at all.

No-admissions periods are put in place by Presenters to ensure the safety of performers and audiences, and to protect sensitive moments in a production.

Where latecomer entry is possible, it is usual to seat latecomers in seats at the back of a seating area or in a different level, rather than their ticketed position, to avoid further disruption. Once interval comes, you can move to your originally assigned seat.

For more information about our Latecomer policy, please refer to our Conditions of Entry.

If you need to leave during a performance, for any reason, please approach a member of staff for assistance.

In some instances, you may not be able to go back in immediately, or at all, but staff will do their best to assist you.

Unless an event offers standing room, all audience members must be seated in their allocated seats while a performance is on. This is to keep evacuation routes clear and to avoid distracting the performances.

The exceptions to this are shows that offer alternative seating and standing arrangements (ask our team if you’re unsure), and the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, where it is quite normal for crowds to get up and dance, whether they’re in the Reserved Seating area or on the lawn in General Admission.

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